I think we can agree that the word care is very important. To begin with, it is both a noun and a verb. That's big.
There is even an organization by that name and it stands for something, but, I don't know what it is, so whatever.
The use of the word care begets profundity. It is almost a statement unto itself, except it doesn't really fly as a single word statement. That would make it a command with you understood and would be a little awkward, as in, "Care." How do you tell someone to care? Let's just forget that one, but it is still a power word.
Now how* the word care is used inflates it to even bigger than big, say, large. Observe, "I care a lot." Wow!
"I can tell you really care." Good for you! Understood.
"He, she or it always cares." They or it deserve recognition?!
When you get free time, try it with We and you plural, etc and see how powerful a word care is.
You can raise yourself above others by declaring you care. You can appear magnanimous by pointing out that another cares. Or on the dark side, you can impugn another by questioning if he, she or it does, in fact, care. Obviously responsibility comes with use of the word care.
What's remarkable about what we've covered so far, is that while nothing at all may have been done by anyone, just the fact that they may care is more than enough.
You may have noticed that I used an asterisk above. It refers to how the word care is used. I am loath to digress, but it is important to point out reoccurring wrong usage.
I could care less. Just stop that.
So, in the spirit of making myself bigger, I committed myself to caring, and when I got free time, I cared. But I found caring is like exercise. Sometimes I forgot. Sometimes I got distracted. Sometimes, I needed help, like a buddy system. They say people perform better in the company of others.
To step it up, I set time aside to care. Once I have it scheduled in I can't miss. So, my designated care time is Tuesday, after work and before dinner. Try not to call then, thank you.
To step it up one again, I designated a place for caring. It used to be called the green chair. Once in a while it is called the Vinyl Viggen. Long story, Short Final. But now it will be called the care chair.
You see, I have the time to care and the place to care. I'm all set.
I've been doing this for quite sometime, now. Months actually. So, yes, I am a bigger person. I am a bigger person because I care.
To step it up even further, next month I plan to find something to care about.