Thursday, April 3, 2014

It Can Always Be Worse

     I think we can agree that it can always be worse.  No matter what the situation and no matter how awful the situation may be, there is always another situation which is way worse.  So keep that in mind.  And, be thankful.
     You have heard this phrase before I am certain.  You share an annoyance or aggravation with someone.  Perhaps it is even a bit more serious.  Losing a limb say.  You explain the malady to this certain someone and you are told, "Well be thankful that's all it is.  It could be worse.  There are some people that don't have any arms at all.  Or legs.  Or a head.  Thank God it was only your left arm that was severed when you were working with that chain saw."
     In your heart, you are grateful that it was only your left arm that was hacked off.  For you are a righty anyway.  But somehow, being told to be thankful for this disaster just doesn't sit well with you.  In fact, being the recipient of these instructions, you are now quite peeved.  (I myself would be infuriated and enraged with these instructions, but you my friend are better than I and have much more composure, so your frustration caps at peeved.)
     How does one react after hearing this phrase, "It could be worse?"  What is the proper reply?  In civil society, it is unacceptable to punch someone's lights out.  Even though you still have your strong, right arm.  Spitting at someone is also reprehensible.  So, what then is a suitable response to such a phrase?
     The only way to adequately combat the phrase, "It could be worse" is to realize that the fool delivering the message means well.  They are sorry that you came upon such a fall, but they are truly at a loss for something to say.  Hence, they erupt with the joyful word that there is in fact another person, somewhere out there, suffering way more than you.  So if you think you have it bad, think again.
     After realizing this person's ultimate good intent, we can choose to just nod and feign a look of understanding, we can continue to stew or we can explode with outrage.  Another option is to add to this person's list of "It could be worse."  Maybe you can say something like,"You know you are right.  I am really lucky to walk away from that accident with my right arm intact.  I so wish that my left arm was still attached and I never had to endure such horrific and agonizing pain, but my left arm looks really nice hanging over the fire place.  I am so glad I had it encased.  And, it really could have been both of my legs that were cut off with the chain saw as well.  Man, I could have even chopped you up whole.  Who knows!?!?  It really could be worse."
     Good luck in your encounters my friends.  I can only hope and wish for the utmost in safety for us all.  I will now end my passage and/or gripe session with my right hand and nose acting as my left hand.  God bless.

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