Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Merry?

     I think we can agree that political correctness is about the biggest heap of dog doody ever invented. But in the spirit of the holidays (which I dare not mention by name, God forbid someone feel left out), I will try my best to stay PC. Oh no, I said God! Oh God, I said it again! AHHH!

     But seriously, what is "Happy Merry?" It means absolutely nothing. Have a happy (not gonna say Hanukkah), a merry (Christmas is out of the question), and a happy new year! Oh wait, but Chinese New Year isn't the same as what we call the New Year. Okay, so let's get rid of that too. LAME.

     We need to get rid of this bullwaffle, or eventually we won't even be allowed to name our children traditional names because that obviously shows a preference for one nationality over all others. What's that? Iceland already had a problem with names? Let's just enjoy this gem of an article.

     On the real, Iceland, you have a Naming Commitee? I mean we do occasionally have the name Apple, Blue Ivy, or Princess, but hey. I'd rather have that than see a million more Katies on this earth. The classic white girl name is already a hassle in lecture halls when there are least 20 of us. More? No, thank you.

     But I digress. Why can't we just say Happy Hanukkah AND Merry Christmas?

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